Next-gen Value Discovery for Investing

Uncovering the next stock, ETF or mutual fund you should invest in is now just a few clicks away…exactly the way that it should be in a modern world.

4 min readNov 2, 2020
illustration of town paper with dollar bill showing through

Every single day people develop a quality investment idea from trends or events that they are experiencing. They’ll see certain consumer or demographic or geopolitical trends occurring around them and decide that they want to make money from these ideas. A few sample trends could be electric cars like Tesla, home delivery like Amazon Prime, a biotechnology cure for COVID19, etc. Once someone develops this concept how do they invest in it? Do they buy an individual stock or a group of stocks? Would it be a better to invest in a mutual fund or ETF versus a stock to execute the trade? At this point many people rely on some basic ‘go-to’ strategies like financial advisors, magazine publications, or internet searching/screeners to find the best investment vehicles.

These sources all fall short:

  1. Financial Advisors — Financial Advisors will charge individuals an arm and a leg for their advice, typically a percentage of their hard-earned assets. They get their fees regardless of the individuals results and because financial advisor fees are tied to the assets that they manage they focus a majority of their time on marketing and trying to grow instead of research and knowledge. And believe it or not, their sources of information stem from the same platforms that normal investors have access to themselves like Morningstar and CNBC. Essentially, the typical financial advisor will charge individuals a lot and only know fractionally more information than the average everyday investor.
  2. Magazine Publications — Magazine publications are written by authors who typically don’t have experience or credentials in the investment world. What qualifies them to advise you on the securities that you should hold? Do you really want the person that took “writing” as a major in college giving you investment advice?
  3. Internet Searching/Screeners — Many people perform internet searches and queries to find investments. They often end-up at different complex and/or convoluted screening tools. These tools expect you to know complicated industry jargon and metrics. To properly run these screens requires the equivalent knowledge of an MBA…heck maybe even a mathematics PhD!

These sources regularly produce sub-par vehicles to execute the well conceived investment idea which turns a good idea, into a bad result. Investing can be much simpler — it can function just like streaming music apps…”hey app — I am thinking about this lately — go bring me the best song in that genre!” If it can happen in music, it can happen in investing. Individuals are more than capable of picking great investments themselves, easily and quickly, with the right mix of math, algorithms, and a simple intuitive user interface. This is exactly why we created an algorithmic powered Explore Search.

The vigtec Explore Search was created to give normal individuals the ability to choose quality investments without the inherent barriers to entry that are currently in the marketplace. It provides individuals the ability to go from investment idea to execution quickly and confidently. The algo-powered module categorizes each stock, mutual fund, and ETF into broad asset classes, categories, and sub-categories. Once the securities are sorted, they’re given a score between 0–100, based on hundreds of variables and complex mathematics. The higher the score, the better the investment vehicle is versus its peers. Within the Explore Search, each investment vehicle can be clicked on to get further information. Once selected, a multitude of variables are displayed. Each variable can be compared to amongst the top five securities in that sub-category. This provides a quick and comprehensive way you to see why that security was ranked at the top of the list versus its peers.

You might ask, “Do I invest in a mutual fund or ETF?” We’ve made answering that question easy by building a one-of-a-kind proprietary ‘Active vs. Passive’ search algo into the Explore Search. It grades similar style mutual funds (typically active managers) against ETFs (typically passive managers) to give you a simple analysis of which option is better.

When searching for securities, you might want to know what’s similar to what you’re currently reviewing. The Explore Search algo reviews the price movement of every sub-category and then finds the sub-category with the most similar price movement to the sub-category that you’re reviewing and displays it below your original search result. Alternatively, you might also want to know what’s opposite to what you’re reviewing so you can diversify their portfolio. The algo then pulls the sub-category with the prices that move in the opposite direction and displays that below the similar sub-category.

And in the case that you’re not even sure where to begin, we’ve got that covered too with the algo-driven ‘Mixes’ and ‘Risk Profiles’searches that we’ve created. The ‘Mixes’ show groups of the top performing stocks for current investment themes (and these are updated weekly). You can take advantage of these investment themes by purchasing the basket of stocks. For those that would rather just pick based on their inherent tolerance to risk, our ‘Risk Profiles’ search groups the stock, mutual fund, and ETF sub-categories into consumable risk groups based on the actual securities price fluctuations. You can select investments that are within their risk comfort zone. All pretty complex stuff right? Nah…its executable now with just a few clicks!

Our algorithmic Explore Search takes all of the work, complexity, and analysis out of selecting what investment vehicles to use. Don’t let your investment ideas fall short. Use vigtec’s Explore Search today to ensure your ideas match up to the best-in-class securities available. It’s all available right there in the palm of your hand!

Download the app today and get to Exploring!




The first gamified decision intelligence app for stocks, options, ETFs and crypto trading.